Hindi Songs

Learn Hindi through Hindi Film Songs.

The language is an important socio-cultural vehicle, which bind the people together.
Hindi is phonetic language, which is written exactly as it is spoken.

Hindi language is a language of poets. People all over the world are crazy about Hindi films and melodious music. Hindi music and cultural values have a special impact on
the international community.

Hindi film songs are a wonderful way to learn Hindi Language. The simple and melodious lyrics and tunes of the songs are not only for the entertainment, they also represent the rich Indian culture, the colorful life of the people as well as the richness
of the language. The songs are the best medium of learning language, memorizing vocabulary.

This site includes lyrics of songs with links to the vocabulary, grammar, and relevant grammatical explanations. Enjoy the music, learn what you have enjoyed, and learn the language to enjoy it more by knowing the meanings of the lyrics. So relax and listen to
the music, and try to understand it.

To Listen Hindi Songs / Audio /Videos and Learn Hindi:

Hindi Song Lyrics:  http://www.hindilyrics.net/

Dr. Sarita Mehta


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