Admission in Hindi Courses:
If you like to learn Hindi, and want to join HIND 105, Hindi Beginner Course, then
you need not take any placement test. No prior knowledge of Hindi Language required. You are welcome to join it without permission.
But if you have some knowledge in the Hindi language and plan to take HIND 263
or any Higher Course in Hindi Language Class at Rice, then:
– For admission in HIND 263, you must have passed HIND 102 or HIND 223
or HIND 262 or HIND 105.
– For admission in HIND 301, you must have passed HIND 201 from Rice
You must take the Hindi language placement test, and take the permission of the instructor, and you will be placed in an appropriate course.
Please see details in Rice language placement site.
For Hindi Placement Test for Fall 2014, please visit:
or contact/Email the Instructor:
Dr. Sarita Mehta. Email: